Crime Jan 2024 – Nov 2024

Crime Report Jan 1 – Oct 30

RMSOccurrenceDate NIBRSDescription StreetNo StreetName
8/8/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8942 ALTAMONT
9/27/2024 Identify theft 8603 ARIEL
6/15/2024 False pretenses, swindle 8611 ARIEL
10/9/2024 Aggravated Assault 8706 ARIEL
5/26/2024 Intimidation 8714 ARIEL
5/24/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 8822 ARIEL
6/6/2024 Trespass of real property 8822 ARIEL
7/26/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 8606 BIRDWOOD
7/26/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8606 BIRDWOOD
9/6/2024 All other offenses 8706 BIRDWOOD
3/16/2024 Intimidation 8706 BIRDWOOD
6/25/2024 Aggravated Assault 8711 BIRDWOOD
1/20/2024 Motor vehicle theft 8818 BIRDWOOD
1/3/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8835 BIRDWOOD
8/9/2024 Burglary, Breaking and Entering 9318 BRAEBURN GLEN
9/19/2024 Intimidation 9427 BRAEBURN GLEN
7/3/2024 Identify theft 9402 CAMARGO
8/27/2024 Theft from building 9403 CAMARGO
8/27/2024 Trespass of real property 9403 CAMARGO
5/13/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 9411 CAMARGO
6/11/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 9415 CAMARGO
3/28/2024 Motor vehicle theft 8802 IMOGENE
4/18/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 8815 IMOGENE
4/27/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 8815 IMOGENE
6/23/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8703 JASON
4/4/2024 Aggravated Assault 8711 JASON
4/4/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8807 JASON
4/4/2024 Intimidation 8807 JASON
4/4/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8807 JASON
4/19/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8807 JASON
9/7/2024 Simple assault 8807 JASON
9/7/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8807 JASON
10/4/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8807 JASON
10/7/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8807 JASON
6/23/2024 Driving under the influence 8810 MAHONING
7/22/2024 Simple assault 8814 MAHONING
8/12/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8814 MAHONING
8/12/2024 Simple assault 8814 MAHONING
6/26/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 9106 MAHONING
9/6/2024 Identify theft 9302 MAHONING
9/6/2024 Credit card, ATM fraud 9302 MAHONING
9/6/2024 Robbery 9302 MAHONING
6/11/2024 Intimidation 9306 MAHONING
5/17/2024 Drug, narcotic violations 9310 MAHONING
1/2/2024 Simple assault 8607 NAIRN
9/20/2024 All other offenses 8611 NAIRN
9/20/2024 Trespass of real property 8611 NAIRN
9/20/2024 Intimidation 8611 NAIRN
2/29/2024 Motor vehicle theft 8627 NAIRN
8/7/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 8706 NAIRN
4/18/2024 Simple assault 8706 REAMER
7/19/2024 Intimidation 8706 REAMER
1/8/2024 All other larceny 8707 REAMER
7/15/2024 Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessory 8711 REAMER
5/10/2024 Intimidation 8727 REAMER
4/25/2024 Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessory 8906 REAMER
5/11/2024 All other larceny 8919 REAMER
4/24/2024 Stolen property offenses 8900 SANGAMON
3/23/2024 Intimidation 8902 SANGAMON
4/17/2024 Intimidation 8918 SANGAMON
3/23/2024 Burglary, Breaking and Entering 8918 SANGAMON
4/10/2024 Trespass of real property 8918 SANGAMON
4/10/2024 Destruction, damage, vandalism 8918 SANGAMON
4/13/2024 Aggravated Assault 8918 SANGAMON
4/13/2024 All other offenses 8918 SANGAMON
4/13/2024 Simple assault 8918 SANGAMON
7/14/2024 Simple assault 8918 SANGAMON
10/16/2024 Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessory 8918 SANGAMON
7/24/2024 Identify theft 8926 SANGAMON
1/1/2024 Aggravated Assault 8702 SHADOW CREST
3/8/2024 Trespass of real property 8710 SHADOW CREST
3/1/2024 Robbery 8718 SHADOW CREST
3/27/2024 Credit card, ATM fraud 8719 SHADOW CREST
8/31/2024 Motor vehicle theft 8723 SHADOW CREST
7/2/2024 Motor vehicle theft 8810 SHADOW CREST
6/22/2024 Aggravated Assault 8814 SHADOW CREST
5/20/2024 Theft from building 8814 SHADOW CREST
6/30/2024 Intimidation 8814 SHADOW CREST
2/18/2024 Theft from motor vehicle 8711 VALLEY VIEW
2/18/2024 Burglary, Breaking and Entering 8711 VALLEY VIEW
1/12/2024 All other offenses 8911 VALLEY VIEW

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